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Microstock Upload Tool - Help

Simply watch the ‘getting started video’ or read the step-by-step list below so that you can quickly get many images uploaded to multiple microstock agencies.

1. Getting started

  • First register and confirm your registration, we will then send a confirmation mail to your email address.


<link 4 _top btn>Free Account</link>


2. Select your agencies

  • Click on the MYSTOCKS link to start with selecting your agencies
  • click on the agency Edit button to connect with
  • look at the description and insert your Username and Password
  • click the check button (left side from the save button) to check if you have entered the correct agency FTP login data
  • when you successfully connect, the text "Connected to with username" appears 
  • save the connection


3. Upload your pictures

  • upload your images (drag & drop is a very good feature)

  • click Start Upload 

  • upload multiple files is possible